<text><span class="style1"> The following global variables are normally reserved for use in HyperCard:</span><span class="style4">stacks</span><span class="style1"> (stacks search paths), </span><span class="style4">applications</span><span class="style1"> (applications search paths), </span><span class="style4">documents</span><span class="style1"> (documents search paths), </span><span class="style4">userName</span><span class="style1"> (the userName) IF you know what you’re doing, you can use the above safely. The following global variables are reserved for use in MegaHome™:</span><span class="style4">id</span><span class="style1"> (screen-saver icon), </span><span class="style4">clickSpeed</span><span class="style1"> (double-click rate), </span><span class="style4">autoC</span><span class="style1"> (auto-compacting setting), </span><span class="style4">powerUser</span><span class="style1"> (power commands setting), </span><span class="style4">mHomeVers</span><span class="style1"> (MegaHome version), </span><span class="style4">dr</span><span class="style1"> (dragging setting), </span><span class="style4">mHomeDate</span><span class="style1"> (the release date of MegaHome), </span><span class="style4">sel</span><span class="style1"> (the number of the selected stack), </span><span class="style4">ss</span><span class="style1"> (card of selected stack), </span><span class="style4">a</span><span class="style1"> (the number of the selected application), </span><span class="style4">aa</span><span class="style1"> (card of selected application), </span><span class="style4">CLNU</span><span class="style1"> (Clean-Up data), </span><span class="style4">maxBtns</span><span class="style1"> (max. number of buttons allowed on a card), </span><span class="style4">mX</span><span class="style1"> (Message Box Restoration setting), </span><span class="style4">mHomeMsg</span><span class="style1"> (last thing typed in message box), </span><span class="style4">puker</span><span class="style1"> (screen-saver “boss mode” setting), </span><span class="style4">screenS</span><span class="style1"> (screen-saver setting), </span><span class="style4">shiftT</span><span class="style1"> (message flashbacks setting), </span><span class="style4">adsI</span><span class="style1"> (add a stack default icon), </span><span class="style4">mHomeRev</span><span class="style1"> (revision of MegaHome), </span><span class="style4">dragDelay</span><span class="style1"> (drag delay), </span><span class="style4">MHa</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style4">MHb</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style4">MHc</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style4">MHd</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style4">MHe</span><span class="style1"> Using them may (and usually will) mess up MegaHome. The following global variables are used internally by MegaHome:</span><span class="style4">code</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style4">entry</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style4">btx</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style4">mhV</span><span class="style1"> (used by Ft. Knox™)</span><span class="style4">hx</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style4">vx</span><span class="style1"> (used by screen-saver) You can use them in your own scripts, but their contents will be destroyed when you use the Screen-Saver or Ft. Knox.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> You can override the double-clicking and dragging on a button. To intercept the double-click, add an “</span><span class="style4">on doBtnScript</span><span class="style1">” handler to a button. To intercept the drag procedure, add an “</span><span class="style4">on mouseStillDown</span><span class="style1">” handler to the button. DO NOT add an “</span><span class="style4">on mouseUp</span><span class="style1">” handler to the button’s script!!! For instance, to make a boing sound before opening the stack with the button’s name, add this to the script of that button:</span><span class="style4">on doBtnScript play "boing" go (the short name of me)end doBtnScript</span><span class="style1"> Or, on the other hand, to go to a stack that does not have the same name as the button, make this the FIRST LINE of the button's script:</span><span class="style4">--path: </span><span class="style1">[search path of that button] Coming soon, you will also be able to intercept clean-up, rename, rename in finder, new icon, place, etc. CAUTION—IF YOUR BUTTON HAS A “</span><span class="style4">MouseUp</span><span class="style1">” HANDLER, SELECTING, DRAGGING, AND DOUBLE-CLICKING WILL BE </span><span class="style8">DISABLED</span><span class="style1">!!!</span></text>
<text>All You Hackers Out There…</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<script>on mouseUpselect line 3 to 4 of fld 2wait 1 secclick at 15,15put"Ha Ha!!!"repeat 90put" " before msgend repeatflashplay "boing"flashput emptyhide msgend mouseUp</script>
<text>Coming Soon…</text>
<text> By no means is MegaHome perfect. Some things I have on my mind for future versions are:•EVEN MORE, better, Power Commands•A way to disable selecting (or at least change it) so that some icons don’t look so “yucky” when clicked on•A way to trap for renaming, changing icon, cleaning up, etc. (for programmers)</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> The first selection allows you to enable or disable the Screen Saver and also allows you to choose the default mode for it. If “STANDARD” is selected, the standard screen-saver will be used. If “BOSS” is selected, “boss mode” will be the default. Shift-clicking in the “hot-spot” with “BOSS” selected brings you the normal screen-saver. The “hot-spot” will not function if the selection made is “OFF”. Neither will the “</span><span class="style4">z</span><span class="style1">” command. SCREEN-SAVER ICON allows you to set the icon used for the screen-saver. It is preset to “</span><span class="style4">Stack</span><span class="style1">”, the HyperCard stack icon.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> This allows you to set a breif delay before draggable items begin dragging. This allows you to keep the mouse button down for a berif time for a click or between double-clicks. SHORT allows you a short time, about 1/6 of a second, to have the mouse button down before dragging starts, and LONG allows you about 1/3 of a second. If you want to disable this delay altogether, choose NONE. Double-Clicking and dragging have been rewritten from older versions of MegaHome, to act more like their Finder counterparts.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> This allows you to set the speed of your double-clicks. Fast allows you a short time, about 1/6 of a second, between clicks, and Slow allows you about 1/2 of a second between them.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> For those using the Scripting user level, SCRIPT TEXT allows you to set the font and size which scripts will be displayed in. The default is Monaco, size 9.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> When on, the location and contents will (quickly) be stored when you open an application or quit HyperCard. When you next start up HyperCard or quit your application, the location and contents of the message box will be restored. Some people may find a use in this feature, as I do. Holding down the command key while choosing this menu item and it restores the message box’s original location and puts nothing in it. You’ll see what I mean if you move the message box and then do this.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> When turned on, AUTO COMPACTING automatically compacts stacks you close with free (“wasted”) space in them. This is good for stacks which are always growing in size. Unfortunately, all versions of HyperCard (through 2.0) may short-circuit this feature if the stack has a “</span><span class="style4">CloseStack</span><span class="style1">” trap with no “</span><span class="style4">pass CloseStack</span><span class="style1">”. This means, in English, that some stacks simply won’t Auto-Compact. Other reasons for this feature to fail would be: the UserLevel does not allow compacting, there is not enough disk space for compacting, or the stack is protected.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> When turned on, pressing Shift and the Tab key at the same time will put the last command typed into the message box back there, regardless of what’s in there at the time. To “undo” this, the current contents of the message box, if not empty, will re-appear when you press Shift-Tab again.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> This allows you to turn on or off Power Commands. Novices (Power Commands off) are not allowed to “</span><span class="style4">l</span><span class="style1">”, “</span><span class="style4">g</span><span class="style1">”, “</span><span class="style4">z</span><span class="style1">”, or “</span><span class="style4">squeeze</span><span class="style1">”. “Pros” are.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> This allows you to set your UserLevel. Also included, underneath, are POWER KEYS, BLIND TYPING, TEXT ARROWS, POWER COMMANDS, and LAST COMMAND TYPED, AUTO-COMPACTING, and MESSAGE BOX RESTORING, which are greyed out when not supported by the UserLevel, and are preceeded with a </span><span class="style5"></span><span class="style1"> when “on”.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> This selection allows you to set your UserName. This is the name that some stacks refer to you by. Set it to your name, nickname, or whatever you would like to be called.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> In order to get in to Ft. Knox™, you have to enter a 4-digit code on the “telephone keypad”. It is preset to the “really secret” code of 1-2-3-4. If you intend on using Ft. Knox™ at all, it would be best to set this code to something more secret. Choose this item and then click “PERSONAL” button to choose your own code. You may choose the numbers 0—9. No numbers may be repeated. For instance, to enter L-O-C-K, first translate it to numbers using the “keypad” as a guide. It turns out to be 5-6-2-5, so you can’t use it (the 5 is repeated). S-L-A-M, however, is 7-5-2-6, with no repeats. Enter it as 7526 and return. You will be asked to verify your code by typing it in again. If you choose “SET SECRET CODE” and then click “RANDOM”, the computer will choose a random code. It will show you the code and ask you if it’s OK to use it. If you click “OK”, the code will be set. </span><span class="style14"> </span><span class="style12">DON’T FORGET YOUR CODE!!!!!</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> If you want to add several search paths to the search paths cards, you could type them in and restart HyperCard to have them go into effect, or you could choose this menu selection while in the Search Paths cards. If you choose the easy way, you will be presented with a dialog box from which you simply select a file. Its search path will be added and will go into effect immediately. (If its path is already there, it will not be added again.) Keep choosing files until you are satisfied, and then click Cancel. This has saved me a lot of time adding search paths, and I hope it will save you time, too.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> DESELECT deselects the currently selected button. You may also click anywhere on the spiral page, where there is no button, to achieve the same effect.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> CLEAN UP ALL arranges the stacks or applications neatly in rows. This undoes the effect of all dragging. If you double-click on the spiral part of the notebook page, a clean up will also be preformed. If you don’t want to clean up everything, simply click the button you want cleaned up, and choose CLEAN UP (without the “ALL”). If you want a button to be placed in a certain position, choose PLACE SELECTION. Select it and you will be asked where to position it. Enter in the number (within the range specified in the dialog box) of the position you want it in, and click OK. After a short wait, the button will be moved to the specified place. (A CLEAN UP ALL may be necessary to see the button.)</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> When you have reached the limit of 30 buttons on a card, NEW CARD will add a card, set the page number, zero the coordinates display, and set the card indicator (this tells you where you are in MegaHome). If you want to delete a card, choose REMOVE CARD. This will do that for you. (You can’t delete the first card of a background, as this contains “hidden” stuff that supplements MegaHome’s scripts.)</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> When you ADD A STACK (in the Home Cards), it normally gets the stack icon. However, with ADD A STACK DEFAULT ICON, you can change this so any ADDed stacks get whatever icon you wish. For example, you may be adding a bunch of stacks that you wish to use your company’s icon with. Instead of adding each one and then changing the icon for every one of them, you can set the ADD A STACK DEFAULT ICON to “</span><span class="style4">Company Icon</span><span class="style1">” or whatever your company’s icon may be, and then add the stacks. They will all have your company’s icon. When you are done, you will probably want to set the icon back to “</span><span class="style4">Stack</span><span class="style1">”.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text>Manager Menu—Add/Remove a Stack/Application/Link</text>
<text> ADD allows you to add an existing stack to the home card or applications card. Its search path will also be added to the search paths cards. If you are adding an application, the application’s icon will be brought in, too. If you want to link to one of two stacks or applications with the same name, hold the shift key down while you ADD the link, and MegaHome will be instructed to open or launch it by by “search path”, rather than by name. At this time, you are limited to 30 buttons on a card. REMOVE LINK allows you to remove the link to the selected stack or application.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> This is the same as double-clicking on a button, opening it. A button must be selected to use this feature. It appears as “OPEN” in the Home Cards, and “LAUNCH” in the Application Launcher.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> This item allows you to turn on or off the mouse coordinates display (a shadow field towards the bottom of the spiral page) found in every card. When on, the display will constantly display the mouse’s coordinates, unless the shift key is down. The display is shown below. IF you have Dragging turned on, you can drag this field around like a button. It will go back to its original location when you do a CLEAN UP ALL. A </span><span class="style5"></span><span class="style1"> appears to the left of this selection if MOUSE COORDINATES are on.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> DRAGGING allows you to turn on or off the dragging feature. Some people find double-clicking easier with dragging off (I do, so it’s usually OFF when I use MegaHome), and it definately keeps the card neater. A </span><span class="style5"></span><span class="style1"> appears to the left of this selection if DRAGGING is on.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> This is menu that allows you to set things related to the buttons and dragging. It is found on the Home card and the Applications Launcher. A shorter version appears in the Search Paths cards and in Ft. Knox‚Ñ¢. Selections are dimmed or omitted if they do not apply at the time.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> Programmers: when using MegaHome™, the “</span><span class="style4">show</span><span class="style1">” command can be used to show ALL hidden buttons and fields in the current layer (card or background). In order to make use of this enhancement, simply type, in the message box, or as a line of a script, “</span><span class="style4">show all</span><span class="style1">”. “</span><span class="style4">show all</span><span class="style1">” is disabled in MegaHome™ itself, so as not to reveal the many hidden fields and buttons that help MegaHome work.BY THE WAY———Like “</span><span class="style4">goto</span><span class="style1">”, this enhancement does NOT require Power Commands to be turned on, and it can be used in almost EVERY stack.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> The “</span><span class="style4">goto</span><span class="style1">” command is an enhancement of the “go” command. When you “</span><span class="style4">goto</span><span class="style1">” a stack, it is opened in a new window—IF there is enough memory. If there is not enough memory to open the stack in a new window, it will be opened normally.BY THE WAY———This enhancement does NOT require Power Commands to be turned on. It can be used in almost EVERY stack.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> Another neat feature for Power Commands users is the “</span><span class="style4">squeeze</span><span class="style1">” command. To use it, type “</span><span class="style4">squeeze "</span><span class="style1">[stack name]</span><span class="style4">"</span><span class="style1">” into the message box. This will compact the stack listed in the quotes. It’s that simple! (Unfortunately, it can fail. See the Auto-Compacting card (Prefs Menu) to see the possible pitfalls.BY THE WAY———You can use all of the power commands, as well as the screen-saver, in almost EVERY stack, NOT just MegaHome itself.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> This experienced-user command </span><span class="style4">z</span><span class="style1">ips to the screen-saver from any stack. To access “boss mode,” simply type a space and then anything after the </span><span class="style4">z</span><span class="style1">. For instance:</span><span class="style4">z</span><span class="style1">will not enter boss mode, but any of the following will:</span><span class="style4">z bossz Supercalifragilisticexpialidotiousz zz dhfrfoiz 904]uf3z !</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> Another Power Command is the “</span><span class="style4">l</span><span class="style1">” (the letter L, not the number one) command. Type “</span><span class="style4">l "</span><span class="style1">[application name]</span><span class="style4">"</span><span class="style1">” into the message box to launch the application enclosed in the quotes. If you want to pick an application to launch, type “</span><span class="style4">l "pick"</span><span class="style1">” into the message box. That’s all there is to it!</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> The first command is “</span><span class="style4">g</span><span class="style1">”. It is like the “</span><span class="style4">go</span><span class="style1">” command, except it uses shorter names. For instance, “</span><span class="style4">g "voc"</span><span class="style1">” might do the same thing as “</span><span class="style4">go fourth card of stack "Hard Disk:HyperCard:My Stacks:Vocabulary:Vocab 1"</span><span class="style1">” does. Its syntax is: “</span><span class="style4">g "</span><span class="style1">[destination]</span><span class="style4">"</span><span class="style1">” and return, typed into the message box. Built-in destinations are “</span><span class="style4">apps</span><span class="style1">” to go to the application launching cards, “</span><span class="style4">safe</span><span class="style1">” for Ft. Knox™, and “</span><span class="style4">home</span><span class="style1">” to go home. If you want to add your own destinations, go to the Scripting user-level and edit the stack script for the MegaHome stack. Position the Mouse in between the line reading “</span><span class="style4">go home</span><span class="style1">” and the line reading “</span><span class="style4">else</span><span class="style1">”. Add a new sequence in this format: </span><span class="style4">else if whereEver is "</span><span class="style1">[name of destination]</span><span class="style4">" then go "</span><span class="style1">[destination stack]</span><span class="style4">"</span><span class="style1">And then close the script. Your new destination will be programmed in.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> If you are an experienced (“power”) user (see the “Prefs” pop-up menu explanations), you can access sevaral neat, time-saving commands from MegaHome. Features allow you to quickly do many things that otherwise would be much harder. The following commands do not function if Power Commands are turned off.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> This small utility, another optional stack included with MegaHome, is capable of saving and restoring the preferences you set with the Prefs and Manager menus. To use it, open the stack (with MegaHome installed!) and click on the Save button (to save your current preferences) or the Restore button (to restore previously saved preferences). The files it generates are very small ( K on disk). Note: Preferences Files created for MegaHome I use a different file format from those Files created for MegaHome II. Old files will be converted for use with MegaHome II, but new files can not be converted for MegaHome I. Note to programmers: Preferences Files are ultra–compact text files, with a filetype of MHPF and a signature of ES(zero)1. MegaHome Preferences identifies files by their filetype. For a complete guide to the file format, write to Roger Plyer at 3813 Windber Blvd. Palm Harbor, FL 34685. Mention preferences file format 5. Like in the “Diagnostics” stack, to keep the stack at its small size, I have set the “Can’t Modify” flag. If you want to modify the Preferences stack, simply unprotect it. No password has been used.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> This small utility, an optional stack included with MegaHome, is capable of showing you your MegaHome info. To use it, open the stack (with MegaHome installed!) and click on the Update button. In a few seconds, your current settings (dragging, etc.) will be shown. If you are having problems with MegaHome, please make a screen-shot of the MegaHome Diagnostics information. Make a note of any “unknown” displays. Note to programmers: to keep the stack at its small size, I have set the “Can’t Modify” flag. If you want to modify the Diagnostics stack, simply unprotect it. No password has been used.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> This is a special “safe” for your secret stuff. It looks pretty much like the Home Cards and Application Launcher, but you can not add and remove documents here. You might, however, put secret data in it. It’s up to you. To get in, of course, you have to do a few things. First, click the navigation button. You will be taken to a dark card with a keypad (shown below) on it. “Dial in” your code, (click the “buttons”) which is preset to 1-2-3-4, (but can be set later), and click open. Provided you enter the correct code, you will be taken right into the safe.However, if the code is wrong, you will go back to the HomeCards. (The next time you open Ft. Knox™ with the correctcode, a dialog box telling you a bad code was entered, will beshown!)</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> The Search Path cards, accessed by a simple click on the navigation button, are just about the same as they are in Apple’s Home stack, except for the smaller text, a bigger field, and the MegaHome™ styling and a few basic MegaHome features.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> When you click on the navigation button, you are taken to the Application Launcher, which looks pretty much like the Home Cards do. Use it like the Home Cards, but for making links to applications, instead. The Manager Menu (see its explanation, later on) functions about the same as in the Home Cards.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> This display tells you how many times you have started up with MegaHome. Double-clicking the display will allow you to zero it. This display can be dragged around if DRAGGING is ON.</text>
<text> About MegaHome will tell you the version you have, and other stuff. When you click to go on, the credits message will be shown, telling you basically what’s on the Credits card of this stack. Find it, shaped as a question mark, as the fifth “navigation button”.</text>
<text>“About” Button</text>
<text>Navigation Buttons</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> One of the neat features in MegaHome™ is the screen-saver. If SCREEN SAVER is turned on (see the “Prefs” pop-up menu explanations), clicking in the lower left-hand corner of the screen activates it, using the icon you specify (see the “Prefs” menu again). The icon bounces around the screen (try it and see what I mean by “bounce”—you might want to use my script!). One simple click brings you back. If you are working on your Mac when you shouldn’t be, and your boss comes around, simply shift-click in the screen-saver region. The screen goes completely dark. (A shift-click brings you back.)</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> The clock is the small, unlabeled display in the lower right-hand corner of the spiral page, on every card. It constantly displays the current time. If you want the date to be shown, double-click on the clock. The date will be shown for about 1 second. If you are unhappy with the clock’s position, turn DRAGGING on (see the Manager Menu explanation, later on), and drag it about. A simple CLEAN UP ALL (Manager Menu, again) will restore it to its original location.</text>
<text>1:58 PM</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> When you are on the first Home Card, Application card, or Ft. Knox‚Ñ¢ card, the left (previous card) arrow will be shaded in. Instead of going to the card before it, it will go to the last card of the kind you are in. If you are on the last, the right (next card) arrow will be shaded in. It will go to the first card of the kind you are in. If both arrows are shaded in, there is only one card of the kind you are in.</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> These tiny icon-only buttons allow you to go to the Home Cards, the Search Paths cards, the Application Launcher, or Ft. Knox‚Ñ¢. The current type of card you are in is indicated by a Navigation Button.</text>
<text><span class="style3">ndicates Home CardsIndicates Search Paths CardsIndicates Application LauncherIndicates Ft. Knox‚Ñ¢</span></text>
<text>Navigation Buttons</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> The buttons on the Home Cards and the Applications Launcher work JUST LIKE THE FINDER!!! You can drag them around (IF dragging is enabled—see the “Manager Menu” cards.) and double-click them to open them. Also, clicked buttons (not double-clicked) are highlited. A pleasant change over HyperCard™’s original home stack! Remember only the buttons you “Add” are double-clicked, selected, or dragged. That means buttons such as the “Navigation Buttons” (next card) are NOT double-clicked.NOTE: DRAGGING HAS BEEN </span><span class="style9">DRASTICALLY IMPROVED</span><span class="style1"> SINCE MEGAHOME WAS LAST RELEASED! </span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> Installing MegaHome is brief and simple. From the Finder, simply get rid of or rename your old Home stack, and rename MegaHome, Home. The next time you start up HyperCard, MegaHome will be installed. Although MegaHome works best on a hard disk with lots of memory, (that’s HyperCard’s fault, not mine), it will work with a single (800k) disk drive and as little as 1 megabyte of memory. (This is HyperCard’s minimal system configuration.)</text>
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<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style1"> I wish to thank the following people helping to make MegaHome™ possible:•My Dad, for the little old Mac Plus I created and ∂lpha-tested MegaHome on;•The </span><span class="style8">C</span><span class="style1">enter for </span><span class="style8">A</span><span class="style1">dvanced </span><span class="style8">T</span><span class="style1">echnologies at Lakewood High School for the scores of SE/30’s MegaHome was partially ßeta-tested on;•Bill Atkinson, for writing the original HyperCard;•A zillion others, for finally making HyperCard 2.0;•Will Cate, for the </span><span class="style4">ShutDown</span><span class="style1"> XCMD;•Jim Henderson, for the </span><span class="style4">DoRestart</span><span class="style1"> XCMD;•Dewi Williams, for the </span><span class="style4">RenameFile</span><span class="style1"> XFCN;•Jay Hodgdon, for the </span><span class="style4">ShowAlert</span><span class="style1"> XCMD;•SOMEONE (If you know who, please tell me), for the </span><span class="style4">GetAppIcon</span><span class="style1"> XFCN and the </span><span class="style4">UpdateResFork</span><span class="style1"> XCMD;•Andy Boie, a great ßeta-tester;AND A SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE OUT THERE WHO REGISTERS AND SENDS THEIR COMMENTS, IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTIONS, AND QUESTIONS TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!</span></text>
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<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text>A Brief History of MegaHome and Ft. Knox‚Ñ¢</text>
<text><span class="style1"> On February 28,1988, more than 2 years ago, a small stack named UltraHome was born. Its object was simple—to provide a simple “Home” stack replacement. It had many new, previously unplanned, features added to it, by the time it reached version 18.02 (Release Version 1.0) on November 28,1988. On December 1, 1988, UltraHome became MegaHome™ 1.0 (Pre-Release). Since then, I have worked </span><span class="style9">hundreds</span><span class="style1"> of hours totally renovating the scripts, and adding an uncountable number of new features. On October 2, 1990, the first day I tried out HyperCard 2.0, MegaHome 102.0 became MegaHome II, version 0.2. The current version reflects the fourth major face-lift of the stack. What comes next is up to YOU, the one who sends your comments and suggestions for improvement, to me.</span></text>
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<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> MegaHome is free for you to try out for a period of one week (7 days). After this time, you have two options: 1) If you like it, simply register by sending your NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, (also your VERSION NUMBER), as well as a check for $15.00 (or what you think it’s worth) payable to Roger Plyer, 3813 Windber Blvd. Palm Harbor, FL 34685; or 2) If you don’t like it, either destroy all copies of MegaHome or (even better) give all copies to friends, coworkers, etc. In any case, you are requested to distribute this free of charge and unmodified (and not bundled with any commercial software!) to friends, co-workers, and anyone else you can think of. An exception: If you are distributing this as a user group, the STANDARD disk duplicating fee may be charged, and it may be bundled with any other public domain or shareware software. MegaHome may not, however, have an extra charge for it. Why register your copy? Because, if you do, you are supporting the shareware system, encouraging me to make more wonderful software, and receiving update notices. Whenever I update MegaHome, which is very frequently, I will send you a notice telling you so. If you want the updated version, send a blank disk and $2.50 to me (my address islisted on the previous card), and I’ll send you your disk back with the next version. The $2.50 will register you for the next version. (continued)</text>
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<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text> MegaHome™ is a wonderful new “Home” stack replacement. It has MANY features not found in the original “Home” stack. It is the result of more than two and one half years’ constant work. Back in its pre-release times, I thought of making it commercial, but I have decided to keep it shareware for its third major release version. IMPORTANT: This version of MegaHome requires HyperCard 2.0 or later!!! If you wish to use MegaHome™ on a system using HyperCard 1.2, you need MegaHome, (not MegaHome II), version 102.0 or 101.1. Here is the very first release version of MegaHome II, version 1. Enjoy!HINT: READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENTATION FOR EXPLANATIONS OF OTHERWISE HIDDEN FEATURES. YOU MAY BE SURPRISED TO FIND OUT HOW MANY THERE ARE!</text>